Discover possibilities when working with twine for crochet


Do you know the twine for crochet? This yarn is very used in this craftsmanship. That’s why we will show you the possibilities for your works. Attention, crocheter! Stay tuned because, in the end, we kept a pattern chart for you.

The twine is an instrument widely used both at home and in different places for repairs and arts in general. That’s why the yarn was also adapted to crochet pieces. Because of its stiffer aspect, it is the favorite material of many crochet lovers to make rugs.


Although this is one of the main crochets uses, it is also used to create other objects. Due to twine versatility, it is possible to make bags, blankets, and baskets. Isn’t it wonderful?

twine for crochet
See different uses of crochet twine. (Photo: Internet)

Know the twine types for crochet

To create your pieces, you need to know the crochet twine types available in the market. It is necessary to understand that there are different yarn thicknesses: from the thinner to the thicker. This way, the yarn interferes with the result of your creations.

Considering this, another aspect that should take account in the twine choice is its composition. There are the raw twine yarn and also yarn combined with cotton — the latter has a soft texture.

We also need to emphasize that like any yarn, the twine for crochet may also be found in the most varied colors. You even find yarns in mixed hues and with shine.

To find a variety of yarns, we recommend that you buy them in online stores. There is a greater diversity and you may compare prices without leaving home. It makes even more sense to do this in times of social distance because of the coronavirus.

Make right now a twine crochet cushion

Now that you know the twine crochet versatility, what about learning how to make a colorful cushion to decorate the house? The model that we propose has different aspects: it works with different colors and has a chevron print.

Besides, the cushion has particular details for the finish, with rococo and edges all over its length. To make this model, you will need a hook E and three colorful balls. Notice that the used twine glows.

twine for crochet
A chart to make a crochet cushion using twine. (Photo: Internet)

Work with dedication so that your crafts have a lot of quality. We hope that this cushion inspires you to make some pieces made with twine for crochet.


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