Making this easy pillow is a great way to relax and focus on crochet while
taking a break from the world. The result is a pillow that will add comfort in
whatever room you use it.
What you will need:
RED HEART® With Love™: 2
skeins each 1303 Aran A, and
1308 Tan B, and 1 skein of
1970 Taupe C.
Susan Bates® Crochet Hook:
6.5mm [US K-10½]
18 x 18″ [45.5 x 45.5 cm]
pillow form, stitch marker,
5″ [12.5 cm] piece of heavy
cardboard (for making
tassels), and yarn needle.
GAUGE: 9 sts = 4″ [10 cm];
6 rows = 4″ [10 cm] in
alternating rows of double
crochet (dc) and Front post
double crochet (Fpdc), with 2
strands of yarn held together.
any size hook to obtain the
Love, Art. E400
available in solid
color 7oz (198g), 370 yd
(338m) and multicolor 5oz
(141g), 230 yd (211m) skeins
Pillow measures about 18 x 18″ [45.5 x 45.5 cm]
1. Pillow cover is made from two pieces.
Both pieces are worked back and
forth in rows with two strands of yarn
held together throughout.
2. Yarn color is changed to create
stripes. To change color, work
last stitch of old color to last yarn
over. Yarn over with new color and
draw through all loops on hook to
complete stitch. Proceed with new
color. Do not cut old color until
instructed. Carry color not in use
carefully up side edge when next
3. Fringe is attached to a ridge on front
of the pillow cover and tassels are
attached to all four corners.
4. Keep pillow form handy. As you work,
compare size of each of the two
pieces with pillow form. If a piece is
too large or too small, adjust the size
by adding or subtracting the number
of beginning chains and/or number of
rows worked
Special Stitch
Fpdc (Front post double crochet) =
Yarn over, insert hook from front side of
work to back and to front again around
post of indicated stitch, yarn over and
pull up a loop (3 loops on hook), [yarn
over and draw through 2 loops on hook]
twice. Skip the top of the stitch “behind”
the Fpdc.
(make 2)
With 2 strands of A held together, ch 42.
Row 1 (right side): With A, working in
back bumps only, dc in 4th ch from
hook (3 skipped ch count as first dc), dc
in each remaining ch across—40 dc.
Row 2: With A, ch 2 (counts as first hdc
here and throughout), turn, hdc in next
st, Fpdc around each of next 36 sts,
hdc in next st, hdc in top of beginning
ch-3 and change to 2 strands of B held
together—4 hdc and 36 post sts.
Row 3: With B, ch 3, turn, dc in each st
across, dc in top of beginning ch-2—40
Row 4: With B, ch 2 (counts as first hdc
here and throughout), turn, hdc in next
st, Fpdc around each of next 36 sts,
hdc in next st, hdc in top of beginning
ch-3 and change to 2 strands of A held
Row 5: With A, ch 3, turn, dc in each st
across, dc in top of beginning ch-2.
Rows 6–9.: Repeat Rows 2–5.
Rows 10–12: Repeat Rows 2–4.
Rows 13 and 14: With A, ch 3, turn, dc
in each st across, dc in top of beginning
ch-2 and change to 2 strands of B held
together at the end of Row 14.
Rows 15 and 16: Repeat Rows 3 and
4. Place a marker in ridge just made
on right side of piece (for tassel
Row 17: Repeat Row 5.
Rows 18–25: Repeat Rows 2–5 twice.
Row 26: Repeat Row 2.
Fasten off A. Do not fasten off B.
Edging Round: With B, ch 1, work sc
stitches as evenly spaced as possible
along all 4 sides of piece, working 3 sc
in each corner. Take care to work the
same number of sc along each side; join
with slip st in first sc.
Fasten off.
Seaming: Hold the two pieces together
with stripes running in the same
direction, stitches matching and wrong
sides facing inwards. With right side
facing you and with 2 strands of B held
together, working in inner loops of
both pieces at the same time, join yarn
with slip st in any edging st, slip st in
each remaining edging st all the way
around, and insert pillow form before
completing seam. Fasten off.
Cut 1 strand each of A, B, and C, each
5″ [12.5 cm] long. Fold strands in half to
form a loop. Insert crochet hook from
bottom through back most loop of first
stitch in marked ridge on front of pillow
cover. Place fold on hook and draw fold
through, forming a loop. Thread ends of
strands through loop and pull to tighten.
Repeat to attach fringe in every other
stitch across ridge. Trim ends evenly.
Tassels (make 4)
Holding 1 strand each of A, B, and C
together, Wrap yarn about 10 times
around 5″ (12.5 cm) piece of heavy
cardboard. Thread a 10″ (25.5 cm)
single strand of any of the yarn colors
under the top of the wraps and tie into
a tight knot for top of tassel. Do not
trim the ends of the tie. Slip wraps off
of cardboard. Tie a 10″ (25.5 cm) length
of yarn around wraps about ¾” (19 mm)
from top for tassel neck. Wrap ends
of tie around wraps about 6 times and
then draw ends to inside of tassel. Cut
the lower ends of the wraps and trim to
even. Use yarn needle and ends of tie at
top of tassel to sew one tassel securely
to each of the four corners.
Weave in ends.
A, B, and C = Color A, Color B, and Color
C; ch = chain; dc = double crochet; hdc =
half double crochet; sc = single crochet;
st(s) = stitch(es).
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