Devonshire Dress and Cardi Pattern


How about to make a cute devonshire dress and cardi for your daughter, or to give some friend!?

this tutorial will help you to make one!


6 months (12 months, 24 months)
Finished Chest About 19 (21, 23) in. (48.5 (53.5, 58.5) cm)
Finished Length About 14 1/2 (16, 17 1/2) in. (37 (40.5, 44.5) cm)
Finished Chest About 21 (23, 25) in. (53.5 (58.5, 63.5) cm)
Finished Length About 9 (10 1/2, 11) in. (23 (26.5, 28) cm)
Note Pattern is written for smallest size with changes for larger sizes in parentheses. When only one number is given, it applies to all sizes. To follow pattern more easily, circle all numbers pertaining to your size before beginning. To print the patterns, click on the “Download Project PDF” button (above).

Devonshire Dress and Cardi


  • #201 Cotton Candy 1 (1, 1) ball
  • LION BRAND® crochet hook size G-6 (4.25 mm)
  • LION BRAND® large-eyed blunt needle
  • 3 buttons, 3/8 in. (10 mm) in diameter
  • Sewing needle and thread

8 pattern reps + 12 rows = about 4 in. (10 cm) in Cardi pattern. Note: One pattern rep consists of an esc2tog and the following ch-1 sp.

esc2tog (esc 2 sts together) Insert hook in next st and draw up a loop, yarn over and draw through one loop on hook (first leg made), insert hook in next st and draw up a loop, yarn over and draw through one loop on hook (2nd leg made), yarn over and draw through all 3 loops on hook – 1 st decreased. Note: After Row 1, this st is always worked over the next sc or esc2tog and the following ch-1 sp.
rev sc (reverse single crochet) Single crochet worked from left to right (right to left, if left-handed). Insert hook into next stitch to the right (left), under loop on hook, and draw up a loop. Yarn over and draw through all loops on hook.

Dress is made in 2 pieces: Front and Back. Edging is worked directly onto the Front and Back.
Cardi is made in 5 pieces: Back, 2 Fronts, and 2 Sleeves.
Each esc2tog, sc, and ch-1 sp count as 1 st.
When working into an esc2tog, insert hook between the 2 legs instead of in the top of the st.

Ch 45 (49, 53).
Row 1 (RS): Beg in 3rd ch from hook (2 skipped ch do not count as a st), esc2tog, *ch 1, esc2tog; rep from * to last ch, ch 1, sc in last ch – you will have 21 (23, 25) esc2tog, 21 (23, 25) ch-1 sps, and 1 sc at the end of this row.
Rows 2-18 (20, 22): Ch 2 (does not count as a st), turn, esc2tog, *ch 1, esc2tog; rep from * to last st, ch 1, sc in last st.

Shape Armholes
Row 1: Ch 1, turn, sl st in first 2 sts (first sc and next ch-1 sp), ch 2 (does not count as a st), esc2tog, *ch 1, esc2tog; rep from * to last 3 sts, ch 1, sc in next st; leave last 2 sts unworked – 19 (21, 23) esc2tog, 19 (21, 23) ch-1 sps, and 1 sc.
Rows 2-11 (13, 15): Ch 2 (does not count as a st), turn, esc2tog, *ch 1, esc2tog; rep from * to last st, ch 1, sc in last st.
Fasten off.

Ch 23 (25, 27).
Row 1 (RS): Beg in 3rd ch from hook (2 skipped ch do not count as a st), esc2tog, *ch 1, esc2tog; rep from * to last ch, ch 1, sc in last ch – 10 (11, 12) esc2tog, 10 (11, 12) ch-1 sps, and 1 sc.
Rows 2-18 (20, 22): Ch 2 (does not count as a st), turn, esc2tog, *ch 1, esc2tog; rep from * to last st, ch 1, sc in last st.

Shape Armhole
Row 1 (RS): Ch 1, turn, sl st in first 2 sts (first sc and next ch-1 sp), ch 2 (does not count as a st), esc2tog, *ch 1, esc2tog; rep from * to last st, ch 1, sc in last st – 9 (10, 11) esc2tog, 9 (10, 11) ch-1 sps, and 1 sc.
Rows 2-6 (8, 8): Ch 2 (does not count as a st), turn, esc2tog, *ch 1, esc2tog; rep from * to last st, ch 1, sc in last st.

Shape Neck
Row 1 (RS): Ch 2 (does not count as a st), turn, esc2tog, *ch 1, esc2tog; rep from * to last 5 sts, ch 1, sc in next st; leave last 4 sts unworked – 7 (8, 9) esc2tog, 7 (8, 9) ch-1 sps, and 1 sc.
Row 2: Ch 2 (does not count as a st), turn, esc2tog, *ch 1, esc2tog; rep from * to last st, ch 1, sc in last st.
Row 3: Ch 2 (does not count as a st), turn, esc2tog, *ch 1, esc2tog; rep from * to last 3 sts, ch 1, sc in next st; leave last 2 sts unworked – 6 (7, 8) esc2tog, 6 (7, 8) ch-1 sps, and 1 sc.
Rows 4-5 (5, 7): Rep Row 2.
Fasten off.

Work same as Left Front to Shape Armhole.
Shape Armhole
Row 1 (RS): Ch 2 (does not count as a st), turn, esc2tog, *ch 1, esc2tog; rep from * to last 3 sts, ch 1, sc in next st; leave last 2 sts unworked – 9 (10, 11) esc2tog, 9 (10, 11) ch-1 sps, and 1 sc.
Rows 2-6 (8, 8): Ch 2 (does not count as a st), turn, esc2tog, *ch 1, esc2tog; rep from * to last st, ch 1, sc in last st.

Shape Neck
Row 1 (RS): Ch 1, turn, sl st in first 4 sts, esc2tog, *ch 1, esc2tog; rep from * to last st, ch 1, sc in last st – 7 (8, 9) esc2tog, 7 (8, 9) ch-1 sps, and 1 sc.
Row 2: Ch 2 (does not count as a st), turn, esc2tog, *ch 1, esc2tog; rep from * to last st, ch 1, sc in last st.
Row 3: Ch 1, turn, sl st in first 2 sts, esc2tog, *ch 1, esc2tog; rep from * to last st, ch 1, sc in last st – 6 (7, 8) esc2tog, 6 (7, 8) ch-1 sps, and 1 sc.
Rows 4-5 (5, 7): Rep Row 2.
Fasten off.

SLEEVES (make 2)
Beg at lower edge of Sleeve, ch 25 (31, 37).
Row 1 (RS): Beg in 3rd ch from hook (2 skipped ch do not count as a st), esc2tog, *ch 1, esc2tog; rep from * to last ch, ch 1, sc in last ch – 11 (14, 17) esc2tog, 11 (14, 17) ch-1 sps, and 1 sc.
Rows 2-5: Ch 2 (does not count as a st), turn, esc2tog, *ch 1, esc2tog; rep from * to last st, ch 1, sc in last st.
Row 6 (Increase Row): Ch 2 (does not count as a st), turn, esc2tog, *ch 1, esc2tog; rep from * to last st, esc2tog over last st and beg ch-2 sp, ch 1, sc in same beg ch-2 sp – 12 (15, 18) esc2tog, 12 (15, 18) ch-1 sps, and 1 sc.
Row 7: Rep Row 6 – 13 (16, 19) esc2tog, 13 (16, 19) ch-1 sps, and 1 sc.
Rows 8-9 (10, 12): Ch 2 (does not count as a st), turn, esc2tog, *ch 1, esc2tog; rep from * to last st, ch 1, sc in last st.
Rep Rows 6-9 (10, 12) twice – 17 (20, 23) esc2tog, 17 (20, 23) ch-1 sps, and 1 sc when all increases have been completed.
Fasten off.

Sleeve Edging
From RS, join yarn with a sl st at beg of lower edge of Sleeve.
Row 1 (RS): Ch 1, work 23 (29, 35) sc evenly spaced across lower edge of Sleeve.
Row 2: Ch 1, do not turn, rev sc (sc worked from left to right) in first st, *ch 2, sk next st, rev sc in next st; rep from * across.
Fasten off.

Sew shoulder seams. Sew in Sleeves. Sew side and Sleeve seams.
From RS, join yarn with a sl st in lower edge at either side seam.
Rnd 1 (RS): Ch 1, work sc evenly spaced all the way around outside edge of Cardi, working 3 sc in each corner; join with sl st in first sc.
Rnd 2: Ch 1, rev sc in first st, *ch 2, sk next st, rev sc in next st; rep from * around; join with sl st in beg ch-1.
Fasten off.
Sew 2 buttons to front edge of Left Front, sewing first button just below neck edge and 2nd button about 2 in. (5 cm) below the first. Use ch-2 sps along edge of Right Front as buttonholes.
Weave in ends.

Ch 49 (53, 57).
Row 1 (RS): Beg in 3rd ch from hook (2 skipped ch do not count as a st), esc2tog, *ch 1, esc2tog; rep from * to last ch, ch 1, sc in last ch – you will have 23 (25, 27) esc2tog, 23 (25, 27) ch-1 sps, and 1 sc at the end of this row.
Rows 2-12 (13, 14): Ch 2 (does not count as a st), turn, esc2tog, *ch 1, esc2tog; rep from * to last st, ch 1, sc in last st.
Decrease Row: Ch 2, turn, sk first 2 sts, esc2tog, *ch 1, esc2tog; rep from * to last 3 sts, sk next 2 sts, sc in last st – 21 (23, 25) esc2tog, 21 (23, 25) ch-1 sps, and 1 sc.
Rep Row 2 for 5 (6, 7) more times.
Rep Decrease Row – 19 (21, 23) esc2tog, 19 (21, 23) ch-1 sps, and 1 sc.
Rep Row 2 for 3 more times.

Shape Armholes
Row 1 (RS): Ch 1, turn, sl st in first 4 (4, 6) sts, ch 2 (does not count as a st), esc2tog, *ch 1, esc2tog; rep from * to last 5 (5, 7) sts, ch 1, sc in next st; leave last 4 (4, 6) sts unworked – 15 (17, 17) esc2tog, 15 (17, 17) ch-1 sps, and 1 sc.
Rows 2-4: Ch 2 (does not count as a st), turn, esc2tog, *ch 1, esc2tog; rep from * to last st, ch 1, sc in last st.

Divide to Make Slit
Row 1 (RS): Ch 2 (does not count as a st), turn, esc2tog, (ch 1, esc2tog) 6 (7, 7) times, ch 1, sc in next st; leave rem sts unworked for left side of back slit – 7 (8, 8) esc2tog, 7 (8, 8) ch-1 sps, and 1 sc.
Rows 2-5 (7, 9): Ch 2 (does not count as a st), turn, esc2tog, *ch 1, esc2tog; rep from * to last st, ch 1, sc in last st.

Shape Right Shoulder
Row 1 (WS): Ch 1, turn, sl st in first 6 (8, 8) sts, ch 2 (does not count as a st), esc2tog, (ch 1, esc2tog) 3 times, ch 1, sc in next st; leave rem sts unworked for neck – 4 esc2tog, 4 ch-1 sps, and 1 sc.
Fasten off.

Shape Left Side of Back
From RS, join yarn with a sl st in first unworked ch-1 sp following right side of back slit.
Row 1 (RS): Ch 2 (does not count as a st), beg in same st, esc2tog, *ch 1, esc2tog; rep from * to last st, ch 1, sc in last st – 7 (8, 8) esc2tog, 7 (8, 8) ch-1 sps, and 1 sc.
Rows 2-5 (7, 9): Ch 2 (does not count as a st), turn, esc2tog, *ch 1, esc2tog; rep from * to last st, ch 1, sc in last st.

Shape Left Shoulder
Row 1 (WS): Ch 2, turn, esc2tog, (ch 1, esc2tog) 3 times, ch 1, sc in next st; leave rem sts unworked for neck – 4 esc2tog, 4 ch-1 sps, and 1 sc.
Fasten off.

Work same as Back to Shape Armholes.
Shape Armholes
Row 1 (RS): Ch 1, turn, sl st in first 4 (4, 6) sts, ch 2 (does not count as a st), esc2tog, *ch 1, esc2tog; rep from * to last 5 (5, 7) sts, ch 1, sc in next st; leave last 4 (4, 6) sts unworked – 15 (17, 17) esc2tog, 15 (17, 17) ch-1 sps, and 1 sc.
Rows 2-6 (6, 8): Ch 2 (does not count as a st), turn, esc2tog, *ch 1, esc2tog; rep from * to last st, ch 1, sc in last st.

Shape Left Shoulder
Row 1 (RS): Ch 2 (does not count as a st), turn, esc2tog, (ch 1, esc2tog) 4 times, ch 1, sc in next st; leave rem sts unworked for neck and right shoulder – 5 esc2tog, 5 ch-1 sps, and 1 sc.
Row 2: Ch 2 (does not count as a st), turn, esc2tog, *ch 1, esc2tog; rep from * to last st, ch 1, sc in last st.
Row 3: Ch 2 (does not count as a st), turn, esc2tog, (ch 1, esc2tog) 3 times, ch 1, sk next 2 sts, sc in last st – 4 esc2tog, 4 ch-1 sps, and 1 sc.
Next 1 (3, 3) Rows: Ch 2 (does not count as a st), turn, esc2tog, *ch 1, esc2tog; rep from * to last st, ch 1, sc in last st.
Fasten off.

Shape Right Shoulder
From RS, sk first 4 (6, 6) unworked ch-1 sps following left shoulder, join B with sl st in next unworked ch-1 sp.
Row 1 (RS): Ch 2 (does not count as a st), beg in next st, esc2tog, *ch 1, esc2tog; rep from * to last st, ch 1, sc in last – 5 esc2tog, 5 ch-1 sps, and 1 sc.
Row 2: Ch 2 (does not count as a st), turn, esc2tog, *ch 1, esc2tog; rep from * to last st, ch 1, sc in last st.
Row 3: Ch 2 (does not count as a st), turn, sk first 2 sts, esc2tog, *ch 1, esc2tog; rep from * to last st, ch 1, sc in last st – 4 esc2tog, 4 ch-1 sps, and 1 sc.
Next 1 (3, 3) Rows: Ch 2 (does not count as a st), turn, esc2tog, *ch 1, esc2tog; rep from * to last st, ch 1, sc in last st.
Fasten off.

Sew shoulder and side seams to make bodice.

From RS, join yarn with a sl st in lower edge of bodice at either side seam.
Rnd 1 (RS): Ch 1, working in each seam and ch across opposite side of foundation ch, sc in same seam as joining, *ch 5, sk next st, sc in next 2 sts; rep from * around to last 2 sts, ch 5, sk next st, sc in last st; join with sl st in first sc. Note: Skip more or fewer sts at the end of the rnd if needed.
Rnd 2: Sl st in first ch-5 sp, ch 3 (counts as first dc), (3 dc, ch 5, 4 dc) in same ch-5 sp, (4 dc, ch 5, 4 dc) in each ch-5 sp around; join with sl st in top of beg ch-3.
Rnds 3 (4, 5): Sl st in each st to first ch-5 sp, (sl st, ch 3, 3 dc, ch 5, 4 dc) in first ch-5 sp, (4 dc, ch 5, 4 dc) in each ch-5 sp around; join with sl st in top of beg ch-3.
Fasten off.

Neck Edging
From RS, join yarn with a sl st in base of back slit, so that you are ready to work up the left side.
Row 1 (RS): Ch 1, work sc evenly spaced along left side of back slit to neck edge, work 3 sc in corner, sc evenly spaced across neck edge to opposite corner, work 3 sc in corner, sc evenly spaced along right side of back slit.
Row 2: Ch 1, do not turn, rev sc in first st, *ch 2, sk next st, rev sc in next st; rep from * to end of row.
Fasten off.
Sew button to back. Use a ch-2 sp along opposite edge as buttonhole.
Weave in ends.

beg = begin(ning)
ch = chain
ch-sp(s) = chain space(s) previously made
dc = double crochet
rem = remain(ing)(s)
rep(s) = repeat(s)
RS = right side
rnd(s) = round(s)
sc = single crochet
sk = skip
sl st = slip stitch
st(s) = stitch(es)
WS = wrong side


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