Know some tips for crochet with wire


If you have been crocheting for a long time, we have a tip to give you: it is worth taking a few steps forward! How about starting to crochet with wire? We can assure you that this is an excellent way to raise the quality of your work even further. The final result of the pieces is sophisticated and rare, being excellent for making sales!

We are already warning the first-time crochet workers that this is not an article for you. That’s because the wire is a more difficult material to use and will only complicate your life. Therefore, we recommend that you do not skip steps. When you are already doing what is simple with ease, you can move on to what is more complex!


That said, we want to speak to the more experienced audience here. If you are afraid to start crocheting with a different material, we want you to disarm yourself. For this, we will give you some very simple tips that can make all the difference at the time of the first contact with the wire. So, see our suggestions below!

Three tips for crochet with wire 

Use the right needle

The first suggestion that we are going to give you is related to the needle that you will use to crochet. She needs to be strong. Don’t make the mistake of choosing a thin one because it will break. The wire is a much firmer thread than the string you usually use. Just in case, don’t also use a needle that has sentimental value to you.

crochet with wire
Here’s what to do to start crochet with wire! (Photo: Internet)

Use the right wire

There are several types of wire. Do not choose one that is too strong. After all, you will struggle to do what you want with it. Prefer to use one that is already intended for handicrafts. Those that are of this type are very thin and will make your life easier. In addition, they make work much more delicate.

Learn to choose the type of beads

Not all work you are going to crochet with wire involves the use of beads. Still, they will give a lot of grace to the pieces you make. When choosing which type you will use, avoid those that have any coating that may come off. By doing this, you will avoid going through stressful moments and will also not damage the beads.


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