Shoe crochet appliques


Transform plain sneakers into stunning shoes with our easy appliques! These sweet flowers can be used for other accessory transformations as well– think headband, denim jacket or tote bag!

What you will need: AUNT LYDIA’S Classic Crochet Thread, Size 10: small amounts of 423 Maize A, 493 French Rose B, 494 Victory Red C, 856 Peacock D, and 1 White E Susan Bates Steelite Crochet Hook: 2.75mm [US 1]. Yarn needle, fabric sneaker, hot glue gun or heavy duty fabric glue


GAUGE: Gauge is not critical for this project.

Note: An adult should always operate a hot glue gun. Substitute heavy duty fabric glue when a child is assembling this project.

Shoe crochet appliques

Special Technique

Join with sc = Place a slip knot on hook, insert hook in indicated stitch, yarn over and pull up a loop, yarn over and draw through both loops on hook.


Large Flower (make 3: 2 with A & B and 1 with A & C)

Center With A, ch 2.

Round 1 (right side): Work 6 sc in 2nd ch from hook—6 sc. Do not join.

Round 2: Work 2 sc in each sc around; join with slip st in first sc—12 sc. Fasten off.


With right side of center facing, join 2nd color with slip st in any sc, *ch 1, 2 dc in next sc, ch 1, slip st next sc (petal made); repeat from * around to last sc, ch 1, 2 dc in next sc, ch 1; join with slip st in first slip st—6 petals. Fasten off.
French Rose Flower (make 3) With B, ch 7; join with slip st in first ch to form a ring. Round 1: [Ch 1, (3 hdc, slip st) in ring] 4 times; join with slip st in beginning ch. Fasten off.

Peacock Flower (make 2) With D, ch 4, (slip st, [ch 3, slip st] 4 times) in back bar of 4th ch from hook; join with slip st in first slip st—5 petals. Fasten off. Pull gently on beginning tail to close.

Small Red Flower

With A, ch 2. Round 1 (right side): Work 6 sc in 2nd ch from hook; join with slip st in first sc—6 sc. Fasten off.

Round 2: With right side facing, sc join C in any sc, (ch 1, sc in each sc around; join with slip st in first sc—6 sc and 6 ch-1 spaces. Fasten off.


Peacock Flower: With E, embroider straight stitches from center of flower to center of each petal. With C, embroider a French knot in center of each flower. Referring to photograph, glue flowers as shown on side side of sneaker or where desired.


A, B, C = Color A, Color B, Color C, etc.; ch = chain(s); dc = double crochet; hdc = half double crochet; sc = single crochet; st(s) = stitch(es); ( ) = work directions in parentheses into same st; [ ] = work directions in brackets the number of times specified; * = repeat whatever follows the * as indicated.

French Knot



Treat your finished project right! Make sure you read the care directions closely so your hard work ages gracefully.

  • Do Not Bleach
  • Do Not Iron
  • Machine Wash, Delicate Setting
  • Promptly Remove, Roll in Towel, and Block



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